About this report

About this report

This is Infineum’s fourth annual sustainability report. It was published in May 2024 and covers the global activities of the Infineum group of affiliated companies during the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023.

Data covers all owned and operated locations, including manufacturing plants and business and technology centres. 
The content of this report is designed to transparently share 
our performance on the issues that are relevant to the interests and expectations of our stakeholders and important to our sustainability strategy.



The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reporting standards 
were used as inspiration to guide the disclosures and performance indicators shared in the report. An independent auditor was engaged to provide reasonable assurance on our scope 1 and 2
GHG emissions data and limited assurance on our water and waste data.

We welcome feedback and questions on the contents of this report.

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Data methodology

The organisation-specific metric chosen to calculate the ratio was metric tonnes (t) of production. All types of energy are included within the intensity ratio: fuel, electricity, heating, cooling, and steam. The ratio used energy consumption within the organisation.

The data has been calculated to three significant figures. The base year for our calculation is 2018, as it is considered the most recent representative year for production across Infineum sites globally. The calculations account for the six major GHGs (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, and SF6) where possible.

Non-renewable electricity and steam at our site in Vado Ligure, Italy is produced by natural gas being burned in the co-generation unit and the energy use is accounted for as Natural Gas.




We use Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) emission factors for most emissions except for refinery fuel gas where we use the molecular content of gas and stoichiometry; and grid electricity for the UK and USA, where we use the International Energy Agency (IEA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) factors instead.

When refrigerant data is unavailable, we use estimates based 
on average leak rates supplied by DEFRA UK.

We measure GHG emissions based on the operational control criterion and follow the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard 
for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

We are measuring the following scope 3 emission categories: purchased goods and services, capital goods, fuel and energy related activities, upstream transport and distribution, waste generated in operations, business travel, employee commuting, upstream leased assets, downstream transport and distribution, processing of sold products, use of sold products, end of life treatment of sold products and investments.

We work with site leads to identify the most suitable individual(s) to identify the direct and indirect emission sources for that site and provide emissions and other environmental data each month. 

We engage with these representatives on a monthly basis.

Small offices (10 or fewer Infineum colleagues) are excluded 
from emissions estimates.

Due to the Services Utilities Materials Facilities (SUMF) agreement for our Rio de Janeiro site, estimated consumption of steam and electricity figures are yet to be independently metered. As a result, this site is billed for steam consumption in the amount of natural gas used to generate said steam.

Previously reported figures may be recalculated to reflect more accurate and reliable data.


Statements of future ambitions, goals, events or conditions in this publication, including projections, plans to reduce emissions and emissions intensity, sensitivity analyses, expectations, estimates, the development of future technologies, and capital investment and business plans, are forward-looking statements.

Actual future results, including the achievement of ambitions to reach scope 1 and scope 2 50% reduction by 2030 and net zero from operated assets by 2050, to reach Scope 3 20% reduction by 2030, to meet its emission-reduction plans and associated capital investment and project plans as well as technology efforts, and reserve or resource changes could vary depending on the ability to execute operational objectives on a timely and successful basis; changes in laws and regulations, including international treaties and laws and regulations regarding greenhouse gas emissions and carbon costs; government incentives; trade patterns and the

development and enforcement of local, national and regional mandates; unforeseen technical or operational difficulties; the outcome of research efforts and future technology developments, including the ability to scale projects and technologies on a commercially competitive basis; changes in supply and demand and other market factors affecting future prices of oil, gas, and petrochemical products; changes in the relative energy mix across activities and geographies; the actions of competitors; supply chain considerations, changes in regional and global economic growth rates and consumer preferences; the pace of regional and global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and actions taken by governments and consumers resulting from the pandemic; changes in population growth, economic development or migration patterns; military build-ups or conflicts.

We do not undertake to provide any updates or changes to any data or forward-looking statements in this document. 
The statements and analysis in this document represent a good faith effort by Infineum despite significant unknown variables 
and, at times, inconsistent market and government policy signals. Energy demand modeling aims to replicate system dynamics of the global energy system, requiring simplifications. The reference to any scenario, including any potential net-zero scenario, does not imply Infineum views any particular scenario as likely to occur. In addition, energy demand scenarios require assumptions on a variety of parameters. As such, the outcome of any given scenario using an energy demand model comes with a high degree of uncertainty.

For example, the IEA describes its net zero emissions (NZE) scenario as extremely challenging, requiring unprecedented innovation, unprecedented international cooperation and sustained support and participation from consumers.

Investment decisions are made on the basis of Infineum’s separate planning processes but may be secondarily tested for robustness or resiliency against different assumptions, including against various scenarios. Infineum reported emissions, including reductions and avoidance performance data, are based on a combination of measured and estimated data. Calculations are based on industry standards and best practices. The uncertainty associated with the emissions, reductions and avoidance performance data depends on variation in the processes and operations, the availability of sufficient data, the quality of those data and methodology used for measurement and estimation. Changes to the performance data may be reported as updated data and/or emission methodologies become available. Infineum works with industry to improve emission factors and methodologies, including measurements and estimates.

Download our Independent Assurance Statement here.