Our Sustainability Strategy

Our materiality assessment

In prior years we have conducted materiality assessments and benchmarking to identify sustainability topics of most concern and importance to our stakeholders. In our 2018 assessment, out of 150 stakeholders providing input, 84% of respondents were internal and 16% were external, comprising customers, OEMs and suppliers. We have also worked with a third party to update and benchmark our materiality assessment.

This process has helped us to identify our priority areas covering the most material topics. We then mapped these topics against the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The UN goals where we feel we can make the greatest impact are SDG 3, 12, 13 and 17. We continue to closely follow and engage with customers, peers and industry standards to update and benchmark our materiality assessment on a regular basis to reflect external trends and the evolving expectations of our stakeholders. Engaging our stakeholders will be a key focus area in 2024 
as we plan to renew our materiality assessment.

Transitioning to net zero emissions

In 2023, we launched our net zero ambition, which was developed with the goal of supporting the Paris Agreement’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction pathway.

Powering a Greener Future: 
Infineum Shares
Sustainability Progress

Read our article.

For our scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions, we are aiming to achieve a 50% reduction in emission intensity from our operated assets by 2030, before reaching net zero emissions by 2050. In addition to ongoing operational costs, we have allocated capital investment funding of up to $20 million annually between 2026 and 2030, to support our net zero ambition. These funds will be invested into sustainability projects as and when appropriate. We are also working with energy providers and site partners to improve our energy mix.

Our ambition also extends to our scope 3 emissions, and we have defined a preliminary roadmap to reducing scope 3 emissions by 20% by 2030. This will enable us to develop lower-carbon products and help our customers to achieve their GHG emissions objectives, thereby driving improvements across our value chain.

Nobody gets hurt

Infineum has leading safety performance in the chemicals industry and we believe that anyone working for Infineum has the right to return home at the end of each day in the same state of health 
and wellbeing as they began.

Safety is ingrained in our values and culture, and recognised, shared and enforced by everyone at Infineum. However, we’re always looking to improve and keep safety in focus. Therefore, 
if an injury does occur to anyone working for Infineum, we investigate fully to understand what happened, identify the root causes and put in place mitigating actions to minimise the risk 
of it happening again. We believe that a working environment where nobody gets hurt is right and achievable and we will not 
be satisfied until we have achieved this.


Respecting nature

Our commitment to zero harm extends to the environment 
in which we work. All our global manufacturing sites have 
achieved ISO 14001 certification. Infineum is committed to 
the safe management and handling of chemicals throughout 
their life cycle and our target every year is to achieve zero environmental incidents throughout our operations. We strive 
to minimise the pressure on natural resources through resource efficiency practices.



Local water withdrawal and waste generation targets have been set for each of our sites. We have also carried out cradle-to-gate life-cycle assessments on our entire product portfolio, the outcomes of which will be used to inform product development decisions and minimise the environmental impacts of our products.

Championing diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I)

We value all aspects of diversity - 
visible and invisible.

We want every colleague to be themselves; to feel valued, 
have their voice heard, and have equal opportunity to reach 
their highest potential. We want to reflect our communities and markets, enabling all colleagues to work and develop in a safe 
and respectful environment and maximising the value that is 
created by our diversity. We have set ourselves ethnic and 
gender representation ambitions for senior roles. We have local 
DE&I champions all around the world and they play a key role 
in helping to make DE&I come to life at all our sites. They are supported by executive DE&I sponsors who help to formally 
embed DE&I throughout the organisation.

“Embracing DE&I means a stronger focus on Equity in the workplace to help further accelerate our ambition to enable all colleagues to achieve their full potential”

DE&I Director, John Wise.

Our sustainability scorecard

Our sustainability scorecard comprises six performance indicators that we use to track our performance up to 2025. We will refresh our materiality assessment in 2024 to define our objectives for 2030 and beyond.

Engaging our industry stakeholders

Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our operational boundaries. We seek 
to influence our industry and to establish collaborative partnerships with government organisations, civil society, and other companies to share knowledge and develop innovative solutions that create sustainable value.

In 2023, we have been very active with all industry stakeholders
to create opportunities for collaboration and partnership. This has led to positive and fruitful engagement with OEMs, customers and research bodies such as the MariNH3 consortium that Infineum
is part of.

We are also actively involved in trade associations, taking a leading role in driving improvements in product performance standards as our industry evolves through the energy transition.

In addition, through our membership of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), we engage with business sustainability leaders, both from within and 
outside our industry, and contribute to the evolution of corporate sustainability best practice.

Infineum Asia Pacific Sales Director John Hong welcoming delegates at Infineum customer engagement event held in Singapore.

Through a strong presence at industry events, we are frequently leading discussions on sustainability topics. Some of the events that we attended in 2023 include the 15th International Automotive Powertrain Technology Congress, China's most influential e-powertrain technology event, the International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants in Delhi, or Brazil’s first ESG Energy Forum.

Our global customer engagement event was relaunched in 2023 as a series of global events to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and deep discussion around the key drivers within our industry.

Customers, OEMs, lubricant marketers, and base stock
suppliers are invited to attend and hear from expert colleagues and external partners. The new format takes a forward-looking view to emerging opportunities, from electrification to advanced internal combustion engine technologies, providing a global and balanced perspective on the outlook for the transportation industry as we move towards a lower-carbon future. Over the calendar year, we estimate that these events reached over
2,000 stakeholders globally.